Terra Luna Yoga

Tal Rafel

Tal (she/her) started her yoga journey almost 20 years ago when she was seeking to find balance in her life whilst working in a fast paced corporate role. When Tal was living in Sydney, she discovered the powerful practice of Ashtanga yoga with Nikki Fulford and committed to a regular Ashtanga practice. Tal travelled to India to study with various experienced teachers, refining her understanding and felt experience of how movement and breathe work on the mind and body connection. Since becoming a mother, yoga has become for her a way in which we  can cultivate a relationship with the self. Tal’s deep interest in understanding the mind-body connection led her to study a Masters in Psychotherapy. She is currently researching how Yoga and Mindfulness practices are able to support women in times of great transition. Her classes focuses on moving mindfully and connecting deeply with the practice. She hopes to inspire her clients to live their yoga off the mat.
